Got Homeowners Insurance? How To Prepare For Hurricane Season
If your home is located in an area that is affected by hurricanes, you are probably nervous about how the upcoming hurricane season might affect your home. If you have homeowners insurance in place, you probably won't have to worry about not having your home repaired. However, you should take these necessary steps before hurricane season begins so that you can be sure. Then, you'll have the peace of mind that you need so that you can focus on preparing your family for this dangerous time.
1. Check for Wind and Flood Damage Coverage
First of all, you should understand that not all homeowners insurance policies cover everything. Make sure that your policy includes both wind damage and flood damage. If you don't have this type of coverage, it's a good idea to add it before hurricane season begins. Otherwise, you could find yourself dealing with household damage that your homeowners insurance policy will not cover.
2. Take Pictures of Your Home
It's a good idea to take recent pictures of your home on all sides so that you can document the condition. That way, if a hurricane does cause damage to it, you will have proof of its previous condition when you make a claim with your insurance company.
3. Update Your Inventory
Make sure that you have an updated inventory of all of the items in your home. Write down names, serial numbers and other information for all of your electronics, jewelry and other items, and put together an inventory of your clothing, accessories and household items. Then, you won't forget to claim anything if there is major loss of the belongings inside of your home.
4. Stash Aside Your Deductible
Find out what your deductible is through your homeowners insurance company by taking a look at your policy. You will need to be able to pay this deductible if damage does occur to your home so that you can have it repaired, so it's best to have it set aside ahead of time. You don't want to be stuck trying to come up with the money at a bad time, such as while your family is dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, so now is the time to start gathering it.
If you live in an area that is prone to hurricane damage, it's important to ensure that your home is protected. As long as you have homeowners insurance and follow these four steps, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
To learn more, contact a company like The Selzer Company.