4 Reasons Why A Standard Auto Insurance Policy May Not Be Adequate When You Drive A Recreation Vehicle
When you own a recreational vehicle, it's natural to want to get out on the road and enjoy a trip whenever you want. To do this though, you need to be sure to have a great insurance policy. You might think that a regular auto insurance policy will cover you on your RV trips, but here are some reasons why a standard auto policy might not offer you the coverage you need.
Accommodations in the Event of a Breakdown
When you are out on a trip in your RV and you break down, you may need to take some downtime to get repairs done. However, because you were staying in your RV instead of a hotel, you will need to find accommodations wherever you may be. An automobile policy usually does not provide any coverage for hotels or motels that you need to stay in until your RV can head out again, so specialized insurance is a good idea.
Coverage for Your Belongings
Many auto insurance companies provide some kind of coverage for vehicle theft. However, when you travel in an RV, you need to have some kind of insurance coverage for the belongings you have in the RV, from cooking utensils and fuel to clothing and other personal items. RV insurance can provide some protection for the things you have with you on the road, so that you can recover some money if any of those belongings are stolen or damaged.
Personal Liability Insurance
If you take your RV to a campground and someone trips over some of your equipment, you might be responsible for any damages. A standard auto policy typically does not provide insurance coverage for anything that happens outside the vehicle; RV insurance coverage can offer you liability coverage in case of a problem.
Replacing Your RV
Should your RV ever be totaled or stolen, you need to know what you can expect from your insurance company in terms of replacement costs. Many times, an auto insurance policy will offer you the actual cash value of the vehicle, which reflects the market value of the car. However, when you own a recreational vehicle, you may want to think about policies that give an agreed value amount. That way, you will already know beforehand how much money you will get. Some companies also provide a total loss replacement amount if you have a newer RV.
Now that you know why your RV needs specialized insurance coverage, start talking to local insurance agents with experience in RV insurance. The right insurance will give you the peace of mind you need when you're out on the road in your recreational vehicle.