Safe-Driving Statistics To Share With Your Teenage Driver
When a teenager gets his or her license to drive, it's an exciting time – for everyone but the parent. Although you want to support your teen's learning process behind the wheel, you're also likely concerned about the child's safety – and the fact that even a minor fender bender can increase your car insurance rate. While it's not advisable to employ scare tactics in an attempt to make your teenager a safer driver, it can be valuable to discuss some important statistics so that he or she has a clear understanding of the risks of being in an accident or driving dangerously. Don't lecture your teen – instead, discuss this topic collaboratively so that he or she will take an active interest in staying safe out of respect for your insurance rate and his or her own safety. Here are some statistics to share.
Insurance Rate Increase After An Accident
Some teenagers might not fully grasp the severity of even a minor accident. While they might easily dismiss an accident, make sure that your young driver understands how even small incidents on the road can lead to an increase in the car insurance rate. Each company has its own policies, but you can typically expect the rate to increase by 20 to 40 percent after a collision. In the event of a subsequent accident, the rate will go up even more. Even if your child isn't contributing financially to the insurance policy, this stat is valuable to remember, as it could lead to you removing the child from your policy.
Collisions Involving Distracted Drivers
If your teenager has a cellphone, which is likely, he or she might consistently be tempted to send text messages or otherwise use the phone while behind the wheel. While you can stress that doing so is dangerous, driving home your point statistically can be beneficial. There are numerous published statistics that relay the risk of distracted driving, but keep your message simple. Tell your teen that among teenagers involved in fatal car accidents in 2011, 21 percent were using their cellphones.
Risk Of Speeding
Many teenagers will be tempted to exceed the speed limit without necessarily thinking of the dangers of doing so. Speeding can drastically increase the risk of an accident that affects insurance rates but also causes injury or death. Relay the information that in 2012, three out of 10 fatal car accidents listed speeding as a contributing factor.
For more information, contact TLC Associates or a similar company.