Fundamental Medicare Insurance Facts You Should Know
The key to making informed decisions regarding Medicare insurance is to understand how this program works. Unfortunately, most people don't know the primary facts even though the program is serving millions of seniors, and the number keeps growing by the day. The truth is that Medicare isn't simply a government hand-out citizens accept after attaining 65 years — it is something they earn. Below are the top facts you likely don't know about Medicare insurance.
Medicare Is Slowly Becoming a Preventative Care Program for Seniors
The recent reforms in the healthcare sector have made things easier for seniors. They can now visit physicians for regular checkups thanks to the preventative-care policy that allows members to get free screenings. For instance, seniors can now get checkups for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Also, procedures like flu shots, colonoscopies, and mammograms are also covered.
So, don't hesitate to explore all your options once it's time to enjoy the benefits of your Medicare coverage. Even seniors residing in assisted living communities get certain compensations to cover their monthly obligations.
It's Possible to Change Coverage Options Annually
Although most people usually pick a Medicare option and stick to it for good, this doesn't mean that there isn't an option for switching coverages. Each year, anyone with Medicare insurance is authorized to change their coverage during specific periods.
For example, if you intend to change from the primary Medicare plan to the Medicare Advantage plan, you can do so between October and December. It is also possible to switch among other programs during this same duration. Also, from January to February, one can change back to the original Medicare.
Make sure you determine your healthcare needs and determine which coverage options will allow you to adapt to your health. During the initial days of retirement, it may be less expensive to choose a less comprehensive option. You may opt for a complete package later if your healthcare requirements increase.
Not All Doctors Accept Medicare
While this health insurance program offers immense flexibility to patients, it's not mandatory for medical practitioners to accept covered patients. So, before you book an appointment with any medical professional in your area, make sure you confirm if they take Medicare patients.
A quick search of the Medicare website will reveal all the professionals who see patients under this program. Those with the Advantage plan must call their provider to ask for the information directly before booking an appointment.